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From YouTube: Episode 16: The CNI Specification (Part 1)


Lets look at the CNI Spec in detail tomorrow, in preparation for Mike Zappa's next show on how to build a CNI from scratch !!!

In this show we look at the cli 0.3 spec in antrea, and how it can evolve to the 0.4 spec and beyond, and look at the overall format of the CNI json that containerd/runc use when making new Kubernetes pods.

Containerd 1.6 - HostProcess Container support for Windows
- [Kubernetes Policy Management Whitepaper](
- [NetworkPolicy Status KEP](
Conditions []metav1.Conditon
- antrea cni 0.3.0 ... 0.4.0 (CHECK) ?
- `kubectl delete pod -n kube-system -l "component=antrea-agent"`
- containerd ... go-cni
- runc
- containerd (go-cni) cni add
- co-cni imports. v1.0.1
- parses the cni json config
- matches 0.4.0 to the versions of its own cni config parser