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From YouTube: Catalog your Events with AsyncAPI - David Boyne, AWS


AsyncAPI Conference 2022 - Day 3
5th November 2022

Event Driven Architectures is growing, the usecases are rising and technology is making EDA applications more and more accessible. Businesses around the world are building decoupled, evolutionary based architectures that are providing huge value to organisations. The AsyncAPI spec is a great way to standarise the way we document our events, publishers, subscribers and brokers. This standard allows us to create tooling and new experiences for engineers. Discovering and documenting events always seems like an after thought, but we can a new mindset emerging and the importance of event governance and documentation. In this talk, David will be sharing with you tooling he has wrote around AsyncAPI and ways you can create Catalogs for your Events, Services, Domains using your AsyncAPI files. David will be talking you through EventCatalog, how to get started and setup with your AsyncAPI files.