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From YouTube: AsyncAPI Recipes for EDA Gourmet - Laurent Broudoux,


AsyncAPI Conference 2022 - Day 3
5th November 2022

Want to try out AsyncAPI for your brand new Websocket API? Sure, that’s a great fit! But have you ever thought about all the other use-cases where AsyncAPI could also shine? Reactive system design, microservices adoption, data lake ingestion, hybrid-cloud communication, even mainframe integration… all these use-cases may benefit from AsyncAPI adaptable structure and protocol bindings. And we’re not just talking about documenting stuff… but making all these Event Driven Architecture patterns faster and easier to deliver for development teams!

In this session, we will:
- Discuss all the places AsyncAPI can be used in complex organization Information System,
- Highlight the capabilities of AsyncAPI that make it rocks for the different jobs,
- Give an overview of Microcks for speeding-up and securing the delivery of EDA components described with AsyncAPI.