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From YouTube: A model-based AsyncAPI code generator for IoT environments by Abel Gómez | #asyncapiconf


This talk was part of AsyncAPI Online Conference:
- AsyncAPI Initiative website -
- You can also watch this talk as part of full conference recording with audience questions in the LiveChat -

In the new Internet of Things (IoT) era, our everyday objects have evolved in the so-called cyber-physical systems (CPS). The use and deployment of CPS has especially penetrated the industry, giving rise to the Industry 4.0 or Industrial IoT (IIoT). Typically, architectures in IIot environments are distributed and asynchronous, communication being guided by events such as the publication of (and corresponding subscription to) messages.

In this talk, we present AsyncAPI toolkit, our proposal relying on AsyncAPI to automate the design and implementation of these architectures using model-based techniques. AsyncAPI toolkit provides a set of editors and Eclipse-based tools which allow defining JSON-based specifications of message-driven APIs using AsyncAPI. From these specifications, the prototype is able to generate the Java code supporting the creation and serialization of JSON-based message payloads according to the modeled AsyncAPI, including nested JSON objects, as well as the necessary code to publish and subscribe to different topics. The initial prototype that implements this proposal as an open-source project is available at