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From YouTube: Intro to bisq


Ever wonder how to buy bitcoins privately? Heard of bisq network but don't know how it works? In this video I explain it from a high level perspective.



The safeguard transaction is not optional in bisq, it's mandatory. One of the slides said it was optional; I meant that it's generally optional in bitcoin itself, but that created an ambiguity because it makes it sound like it's optional in bisq. Bisq makes the safeguard transaction a mandatory part of their trade protocol by refusing to trade with anyone who doesn't sign it.

Bisq is actively working to reduce trust in arbitrators and is considering at least one proposal to get rid of them.

Dispute funds go to the bisq donation address, but if an arbitrator reimburses someone, he doesn't get compensated automatically. Instead, there is a process of approval among bisq contributors which involves voting for who controls the donation address. This helps reduce the amoutn of trust placed in an arbitrator.