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From YouTube: Calvert County Blueprint Committee - November 2022 Meeting


The Calvert County Blueprint Committee (CCBC) was implemented in 2022. The Calvert County Board of Education was charged with implementing the Blueprint Committee through HB1300 and HB1372, which were approved and passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021.

The goals of the Blueprint For Maryland's Future are to transform Maryland's early childhood, primary and secondary education system to the levels of high performing systems around the world, as well as to establish a career ladder system for educators in which they may progress and gain certain authority, status and compensation as they gain expertise. The CCBC's nine-member board will serve in an advisory capacity to both the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners and the Calvert County Board of Education, share information about the Blueprint with the community and receive input from the community regarding the Blueprint.

For more information on Calvert County's implementation of Blueprint for Maryland visit: