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From YouTube: Fluent Bit - Swiss Army Tool of Observability Data Ingestion - Michael Marshall, Neiman Marcus


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Fluent Bit - Swiss Army Tool of Observability Data Ingestion - Michael Marshall, Neiman Marcus

In this session, Michael will show how Fluent Bit became his Swiss Army tool for observability data ingestion, how he was able to add dynamic log metrics extraction by writing a custom Golang plugin, and as an added bonus, help lower his organization’s AWS costs by selecting Fluent-Bit. Neiman Marcus needed an architecture of both open source log and metrics ingestion projects running in AWS. Michael built out an enterprise quality, fully scalable, performant, solution. All teams began lining up demanding Michael ingest their system and application logs, as soon as possible. On top of this, each team had their own formats and data schema challenges. Michael will share how he overcame those challenges using Fluent Bit. This session is complete with code examples, a brief demo, and lessons learned.