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From YouTube: Casper Association dApp Developer Series | #7 | Payable Entrypoints & Smart Contract Withdrawals


In the seventh video of Casper's dApp Developer series, Casper Association Developer Advocate Dylan Ireland demonstrates the implementation of payable entry points, smart contract CSPR storage, and CSPR transfers from contract to account.

Please note that this project has **NOT** been audited.

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This is the seventh video of a continuous series that teaches developers how to build dApps on Casper.

Chapters: Timestamps
0:00 - Title

0:10 - Introduction

0:29 - Create New Smart Contract Project

0:50 - Begin Writing Smart Contract

1:45 - The `call` function

2:58 - `deposit` Entrypoint

4:30 - `withdraw` Entrypoint

5:16 - Create Session Code Files

5:43 - Edit Cargo.toml

6:00 - Deposit Session Code

7:28 - Withdraw Session Code

8:14 - Edit Makefile

9:00 - Deploy Script

9:14 - Deposit Script

9:50 - Withdrawal Script

10:08 - Compile Contract & Session Code

10:30 - Generate Keypair

10:50 - Test

12:46 - Outro