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From YouTube: RGW Zipper


Presented by: Daniel Gryniewicz

RGW Zipper

RGW was developed to provide object access (S3/Swift) to a Ceph cluster. The Zipper abstraction API divides the RGW into an upper half containing the Operations (Ops) for S3 and Swift, and a lower half, called a Store, containing the details of how to store data and metadata. This allows the same Ops code to provide correct S3 and Swift semantics via a variety of storage platforms. The primary Store is the current RadosStore, which provides access to a Ceph cluster via RADOS. However, new Stores are possible that store the data in any desired platform. One such Store, called DBStore, has been developed that stores data in SQL, and specifically in a local SQLite database. Additional Stores, such as S3, are planned to provide additional flexibility. Zipper also allows intermediate Filter layers that can transform Ops, perform policy (such as directing different objects to different Stores), or perform caching for data and metadata. The first planned Filter is a LuaFilter, which will allow rapid prototyping and testing of other filters. An individual instance of RGW will consist of a stack of Filters, along with one or more Stores providing actual data. This presentation will cover information about Zipper, about the existing DBStore, and plans for the future.