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From YouTube: Healthier Ceph Clusters with Ceph-medic - Alfredo Deza, Red Hat


Healthier Ceph Clusters with Ceph-medic - Alfredo Deza, Red Hat

ceph-medic is a small project that helps identify issues with a Ceph cluster that may be difficult to detect, even when using automation. The project lead will demonstrate how one can quickly discover issues with a running cluster, regardless of the deployment type (bare metal, containerized, or kubernetes), emphasizing on the importance of good reporting, clarifying errors or warnings for better deployments.

About Alfredo Deza
Principal Software Engineer
Alfredo Deza is a principal software engineer working for RedHat on the Ceph distributed storage system, avid open source developer, unit test enthusiast, Vim plugin author, photographer and former athlete.
As a passionate knowledge-craving developer he can be found giving
presentations in local groups about Python, file systems and storage, and
system administration. Currently leading the development of ceph-volume, ceph-medic, and the build and release infrastructure for Ceph.