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From YouTube: Measuring Culture | Sharan Foga | CHAOSScon EU 2020


Measuring Culture

They say you can’t be certain of anything unless it can be measured – so what about culture? We know it exists and can be passed on to others, so there must be a way to measure it. Using Apache Kibble we attempt to look for cultural indicators at the Apache Software Foundation, set a cultural benchmark then match real Apache projects against it. In theory we would expect a perfect match but as the results show, culture isn’t that simple.


Sharan Foga

VP Apache Community Development - The Apache Software Foundation

Sharan Foga has over 20 years in the IT industry working on the delivery and implementation of IT projects. She is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for Sandvik as an Agile Delivery Manager. She has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 and has presented at several conferences about ""The Apache Way"" of engaging and empowering communities. She enjoys working on open source community management and is VP Apache Community Development. She is a Committer, ASF Member and is involved in several ASF projects including Apache Community Development, Apache OFBiz, Apache Kibble, Apache Training (incubating) and Apache Incubator.

About CHAOSScon

Learn about open source project health metrics and tools used by open source projects, communities, and engineering teams to track and analyze their community work. This conference will provide a venue for discussing open source project health, CHAOSS updates, use cases, and hands-on workshops for developers, community managers, project managers, and anyone interested in measuring open source project health. We will also share insights from the CHAOSS working groups on Diversity and Inclusion, Evolution, Risk, Value, and Common Metrics.