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From YouTube: The On-boarding Experience and Software Ecosystem Health - Armstrong Foundjem


Speaker: Armstrong Foundjem
Organization: Polytechnique Montréal

Software ecosystems bring value by integrating projects related to a given domain, for example, open source projects in a Linux distribution or mobile apps in the Android platform. Since each project has its release cycle and roadmap, having to install compatible versions of each project manually puts an enormous burden on the users, and hence many ecosystems release a polished, well-integrated product to the end user. This paper empirically studies this release synchronization strategy in the context of the OpenStack ecosystem, in which a central release management team manages the six-month release cycle of the overall OpenStack product. By analyzing one year of release team IRC meeting logs, we identified nine major release synchronization activities, which we cataloged and documented. To validate our findings, we interviewed 8 active OpenStack practitioners (members of either the release team or project teams). Our results suggest that even though an ecosystem’s power lies in the interaction of independent projects, release synchronization is a non-trivial goal.