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From YouTube: Congressman Peter Welch: Railroad to Victory - A Welch Wagon Whistle Stop Train Tour


From the Office of Peter Welch:

U.S. Rep. Peter Welch is joined by State Sen. Becca Balint, Brenda Siegel, Former Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, State Rep. Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Mike Pieciak, and Charity Clark for the “Railroad to Victory: A Welch Wagon Whistle Stop Train Tour.” The Democratic statewide candidates will make stops in Burlington, Middlebury, and Rutland – each stop will include get-out-the-vote rallies to build grassroots enthusiasm ahead of the critical November 8 election. The train tour and rallies will be the final joint events by Vermont Democrats, showcasing a unified front fighting for Vermont’s working families.

Rep. Welch began his 2006 campaign for U.S. Congress with a train tour through Vermont, and the Railroad to Victory will be the capstone of his campaign for Senate. The Congressman will be joined by his family on the train as well.


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