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From YouTube: The Juxtaposition: Vermont, the First State to Abolish Slavery-ish


From the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance:

Amending the Vermont Constitution is an incredibly long and arduous process. The road to prohibit slavery through this process has been exponentially longer. First, why is Vermont prohibiting slavery if it was already abolished? Second, what was the process that led us here? Finally, what will the impact of prohibiting slavery be in Vermont in moving forward?

Homework: Read Article 1 of the Vermont Constitution (30 seconds)

The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance remains committed to prohibiting slavery and indentured servitude in all forms in Vermont. The existing slavery exception clauses in Vermont constitution are NOT symbolic but carry the same weight as any other language in our constitution and therefore MUST be amended with prohibition language. We're grateful that the constitutional amendment process in Vermont (one of the most comprehensive in the nation) has afforded this State the due diligence required for such an important matter. Never having been a State (or nation) where slavery hasn't existed leaves us uncertain of the impact that this constitutional amendment will have over time, but we know that it is morally right to constitutioinally prohibit slavery. We do know that this reprehensible crime against humanity has left us with the insidious monster of systemic racism and we remain committed to eradicating it on all fronts. This constitutional amendment is a part of that process and will serve as a memorial in perpetuity.


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