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From YouTube: The Science of EFFECTIVE Prevention: Healing from the Trauma of THC Part 3


This program is geared toward supporting families impacted by substance use or mental illness.

From the conference organizers:

Dr. Libby Stuyt, the Vermont Psychiatric Association 2022 Keynote Speaker, leads the conference. This training educates providers on the needs of families impacted by a loved one's substance use disorder or severe mental illness. The aim is to both increase awareness of the needs of this group of individuals for support and provide tools such as traditional CBT as well as acupuncture and mindfulness training that can decrease the family member's stress, anxiety or PTSD. Resilient families help create healthy communities where recovery is possible and supported. Evidence based tools such as mindfulness practice, acupuncture, acupressure, biofeedback and emotional freedom techniques are introduced. Providers, including EMTs and first responders, also learn non-pharmacological methods to decrease patient's anxiety, stress and PTSD while helping to cultivate coherence, self calming and emotional regulation.


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