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From YouTube: Vermont Council on World Affairs: Hungarian Delegates


The Vermont Council on World Affairs welcomes five Hungarian delegates from our Open World Program to Vermont where they will stay with host families for one week.

Open World has been forging lasting positive relationships between emerging and established leaders in the former Soviet Union and their American counterparts since 1999. Program participants have a range of diverse backgrounds, and they come to the U.S. with the purpose of gaining a better understanding of American democracy and the rule of law in the U.S. While here, they are introduced to best practices in critical areas like sustaining NGOs, tackling corruption, and promoting an independent judiciary, and so much more.

Dr. Balazs Barkocvzi (Interviewed)
David Bedo
Anna Orosz
Márton Tompos
Dr. Gyula Szeberényi
Mate Hegedus (Facilitator)
Emese Purger (Interpretor)


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