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From YouTube: Vermont Interfaith Action Declaration of Inclusion from Municipalities


From VIA:

Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA) has been partnering with a group of concerned Vermonters, led by Al Wakefield, to persuade every municipality in the state to sign onto a Declaration of Inclusion (DOI) to ensure a warm, welcome, and open attitude toward all Vermonters and potential Vermonters. VIA's Racial Justice/Economic Opportunities Local Organizing Ministry is reaching out to congregations in many municipalities to ask them to persuade their town managers and selectboards to adopt the resolution.

As of April 5, 2023, 105 towns and cities (out of 247), home to 62% of Vermont’s population, have signed the DOI. That’s an accomplishment to celebrate!

Join us for a Celebratory Action on Wed, May 10th from 7 to 8:30 pm at College Street Congregational Church in Burlington (265 College St.), or as a hybrid event on Zoom (click here to register). Each municipality will be recognized for this first step, and we’ll have information on how to follow up with even more concrete actions. Let’s work together to ensure that Vermont will become known, and in fact be, the most welcoming and safe state in the country for all people.


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