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From YouTube: Design Review Board October 5, 2021


Design Review Board
October 5, 2021
6:30 PM

Call to Order

Old Business

New Business
A) Application CERH22- 012: Applicant. Cameron Scott requests approval of enclosing a side Palmetto Golf Club, 275 Berrie Road SW (TMP 105- 20-01- 001).
B) Application CERD22- 001004: Applicants Beatrice and William McGhee request approval of renovation of existing homes and construction concept plan for new residences at 117, 127, 131, and 135 Williamsburg Street SE ( TMP 121- 06- 10-005; 121- 10- 01- 001; 121- 06- 10-004).
C) Application CERH22- 016: Applicant Beckham Ruff requests approval to whitewash exterior brick at 740. Highland Park Drive SW ( TMP105- 07- 09- 005).
D) Application CERH22- 015: Applicant Grant Larlee requests approval of a brick tree well at 574 Newberry Street SW ( TMP 105- 12- 17-014).
E) Application: CERH22- 017: Applicant Grant Larlee requests approval of driveway modification at 574 Newberry Street SW (TMP 105- 12- 17-014).

