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From YouTube: The LWV Bloomington 2020 Ballot Question Informational Video: Ranked-choice Voting


Ranked-choice Voting:
The City Council held a public hearing on the issue at its May 18, 2020 meeting and then unanimously forwarded the proposed ballot question to the City’s Charter Commission, where another public hearing was held on June 11, 2020. On July 9, the Charter Commission voted to reject the proposed amendment to the City Charter by a vote of 7-5. However, the Charter Commission’s action is only advisory to the City Council. On July 27, the City Council voted to proceed with placing the question on the ballot for the General Election.

Ranked choice voting, also called “instant runoff voting” or “preferential voting,” is a process that allows voters to rank their choices for each office. First choice votes are counted. If no candidate has a majority of the votes (more than 50%), the candidate with the least number of first-choice votes is eliminated. Voters who picked the eliminated candidate as their first choice have their second-choice vote counted instead. This process repeats until one candidate has a majority.