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From YouTube: April 19, 2021 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization


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Three hundred and ninety five thousand dollars, two seven zero: two: nine two: four: two: four: zero: nine: seven: nine original value of six hundred fifty seven thousand dollars an indicated value of five hundred and eighty thousand dollars; two four: zero: two: nine two: two original value: 680 thousand dollars with an indicated value of six hundred and thirty thousand dollars; three: two: zero: two: nine two, four: two: three: zero zero one: eight original value, one million seven hundred forty four thousand dollars, indicated value of one million; six hundred and twenty five thousand dollars; two zero; zero; two eight two, four four: two: zero one: four three original value: four hundred and six thousand dollars indicated value of three hundred and fifty five thousand dollars; two: seven: zero: two: nine two: four: two: four: zero: five: five: zero original value: four hundred sixty seven thousand dollars, indicated value of four hundred and eight thousand dollars; two one: zero: two, eight two, four: two: one: zero zero: four four original value: four hundred and five thousand dollars indicated value three hundred and fifty thousand dollars; three: six: zero; two, nine two, four one: two: zero: zero: six: zero original value, four hundred and four thousand dollars indicated value of three hundred fifty thousand dollars, two four zero: two, nine two, four one: one: zero one: three, seven original value; one hundred and seventy thousand dollars indicated value; one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; three: three: zero: two, nine two, four, two: four zero one: two zero original value, one million five hundred and eight thousand dollars indicated value; one million two hundred thousand dollars; one nine zero; two, eight two, three one: one: zero one: five, seven original value; five hundred and ninety three thousand dollars indicated value of five hundred and thirty five thousand dollars; two seven: zero: two, nine two, four four: three: zero: two: three seven original value, one hundred twenty six thousand dollars indicated value; one hundred and nineteen thousand dollars; two three: zero: two nine two, two original value, 589 000, indicated value of 495 thousand dollars.