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From YouTube: Remembering Tanforan: Former Internee Interviews and Virtual Panel Discussion


Virtual Program, Feb. 23, 2022, 7pm. Learn the history of the Tanforan Assembly Center, hear first-hand accounts of former internees, and explore the 2022 Memorial installation at Tanforan. Participants: Steve Okamoto (Former Internee, Vice-Chair, Tanforan Assembly Center Memorial Committee, former Foster City Councilperson), Leslie Hatamiya (author, Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and the Passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988; Executive Director, San Bruno Community Foundation), and Ben Takeshita (Former Internee, Board Member Tanforan Assembly Center Memorial Committee, alumnus San Mateo High School, UC Berkeley, veteran Korean War, formerly employed at California Dept. of Employment).