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From YouTube: Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes Working Group Forum Call Recording 26th July 2023


[BR] Default Roles
Difficult to test
Might be more expensive than at first glance
Perm project retirement:,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,74842395
This should still be easier than Perm since we don’t have to deal with a then 7 year old metaprogrammed codebase, but may still be more complicated than it seems
Is manual testing adequate? What is the cost of automated testing?
Pick glaring omission role and fill out slowly.
[GC] Branch protection PR
[RI] Why can’t Korifi default to list all Buildpacks available from Paketo? (Reference conversation)
At least DotNet Core, Python, and PHP.
Expose list of buildpacks in values file?
Simple configuration as list value in the Helm chart.
Experiment to see how much bloat from adding extra buildpacks.
[RI] v0.8.0/v0.8.1 is out. Could we go through the release notes and see what the implications are of each of those items?
UPSI service label proposal UPSI Service Label Enhancements has more info on that item