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From YouTube: Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes Working Group forum June 14th 2022



[MR] Inlining eirini as statefulset-runner vs writing it from scratch
[GC] Rewriting eirini tests to get rid of telepresence
[MR] The consensus is that we should rewrite the code as statefulset-runner. We may want to take this opportunity to move to deployments from statefulset, though it likely makes more sense to do that once we have statefulsets working due to the CF_INSTANCE_INDEX
[GC] Repository tests - envtest vs kind

[AK] Validating webhook for duplicate role bindings for kubectl users
Building webhooks against core k8s resources
Context: On AMER on tues/thurs a pair works through the chinbox
Chinbox is not ordered by priority, but rather by grouped by topic ^^ we’ll share this out with more of the AMER team
Label less fleshed-out chores as “draft”
[DB] Pod security standards
Pod Security Policies (PSP) are deprecated, will be gone in K8s 1.25
Replacement is Pod Security Standards
PSP configured at Pod level, Pod Security Standards at namespace level
Kpack issue: