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From YouTube: Cloud Foundry On Kubernetes Working Group Forum 28th June 2023


[JH] Staging disk size setting
It appears that we set this in every CFBuild object, but then we don’t use it for anything?
Julian to add a story. We should mark the CFBuild CR property as unused also, since we never used it.
Staging resources settings are under an `api` key. Could we move them to a more global location?
Julian to add a story to refactor. Make sure we don’t leave the old properties references in the docs for any properties we move. We should make sure to get proper review for the PR also.
[JH] korifi/tools unit tests: are we running them in CI? Should we be?
Yes we should. JH to add a chore. Also add it to the test-everything script?
[TD - can’t attend] What is left for 0.8?
Missing anything in v0.8? - bug about cf push not retriggering a build when the buildpacks change after a failure. (It just gets stuck) Probably we should not block on this issue though.