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From YouTube: CF on K8s Working Group Forum - Call recording Jul 12th 2022



[JH] Code Climate: we don’t appear to have access to mark issues as “wontfix” in AMER. Maybe we need to set some team membership?
Go to User Settings - GitHub
Grant Access public repos
In the dashboard, add cloudfoundry/korifi
[PC] cf-for-k8s deprecation strategy
Notify on cf-for-k8s README in repo
Direct to Korifi as possible migration path
IAAS reduction
Maintenance window (3-6 months?) before full switchover
[TD] This describes we will only be doing maintenance updates. Stopping maintenance updates will be a change
Get community feedback to put features on roadmap.
Cf-dev message - perhaps tie with Korifi release?
[DB/KB] shim API logging improvements
[JH] related to this github issue? (not exactly. It has some overlap but doesn’t address log format, so we will still need the separate issue.)
PR for log severity:
[GC] Next EMEA epic?
TaskWorkload is a high value target
Tim can flesh out label/annotation proposal/stories to provide runway while Giuseppe generates a proposal for TaskWorkloads
Role resource? CFRole Custom Resources
[JH] Validation versus reconciliation for CFSpaces
[CC] Kubecon CF pre-event! Tuesday before Kubecon starts
CFP for this will happen soon