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From YouTube: CF on K8s Working Group Forum Call 8th March 2022


RBAC-related flakes in envtest tests
The test setup is creating RoleBinding in a namespace immediately after the namespace is created, so it isn’t related to HNC propagation (controllers aren’t running anyway)
Does it take a significant amount of time for K8s to process the RoleBinding and apply it?
See this PR for related context.
[JH] also, flakes in e2e tests run locally
[TD] is it just a symptom of a lack of strong read consistency
As with all distributed systems, it is impossible for etcd to ensure strict consistency. etcd does not guarantee that it will return to a read the “most recent” value (as measured by a wall clock when a request is completed) available on any cluster member.
[PC] Progress on the name?
[GC] Losing approver status?
Process for maintaining maintainer status?
What is the process for offboarding maintainers?
[GC] Brand new roadmap board!
[GS] We started the concourse track of chores