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From YouTube: CF on K8s Working Group Forum Meeting 17 May 22


[JH] Removing HNC Proposal - Spike branch
[JH] Logging format: Opinions?
🌈We have a different format for each deployment
Human readable vs. epoch (unix time) vs scientific notation?
CF timestamp proposal RFC3339: CF-RFC 030: Use a Consistent Timestamp Format for Component Logs
Shouldn’t log errors for user RBAC rejection
Scientific notation format?!
Machine readable is convenient - easy to convert to human readable but not vice versa
[GC] Great backlog cleanup
If you own an epic that is ‘done’ remove stale stories and put them in another place.
Stories without labels? :(
[RI] - seems unavailable. Any ETA?
Merged! Thanks for the PR!
[RI] Korifi Press Releases are here!
Cloud Foundry Foundation launches Korifi to simplify the Kubernetes developer experience | TechCrunch
Cloud Foundry Launches New Platform to Simplify Kubernetes Developer Experience