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From YouTube: Grappling with Kubernetes Eventual Consistency in Korifi - Tim Downey, VMware


Grappling with Kubernetes Eventual Consistency in Korifi - Tim Downey, VMware

Historically, the Cloud Foundry APIs have been backed by a relational SQL database. This provided atomicity and strong consistency for each request and many of the CF APIs and clients now rely on those guarantees. With Korifi we no longer have that luxury. Korifi’s CF APIs maintain state through Kubernetes custom resources (CRDs) that are backed by an eventually consistent etcd key-value store. That means that when interacting with the Kubernetes API you are not guaranteed to be able to read data back immediately after writing it – but you will be able to eventually. As you might imagine, this behavior can cause trouble if it is not accounted for. In this lightning talk, Tim Downey will discuss some of the problems with eventual consistency we have encountered while reimplementing the CF APIs in Korifi and how we have worked around them.