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From YouTube: "Cube" your Enthusiasm: Bringing CF and Kubernetes Together with... Julz Skupnjak & Mario Nitchev


"Cube" your Enthusiasm: Bringing Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes Together with Project Eirini - Julz Skupnjak, IBM & Mario Nitchev, SAP

Is container scheduling commoditised yet? The Eirini project is bringing pluggable container scheduling to the Cloud Foundry Application Runtime. In other words: the `cf push` developer experience we all love, with your choice of container orchestrator - including Kubernetes - under the covers. This session introduces the Eirini project, talks through the reasons behind it, updates the audience on the latest progress (passing CATs! available in beta! ready to try out!) and tells you what it means for your developers (not much) and your operators (potentially, quite a lot!). The speakers will also demo getting up and running with Eirini on Kubernetes using a single Helm chart. After this the audience will be able to try out the `cf push` developer experience, going from code to first-class Deployments, Pods and Services in your existing Kubernetes cluster, all in a single command!

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