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From YouTube: Extending the Reach of Cloud Foundry: A New Stack and Supported OS - Cornelius Schumacher


Extending the Reach of Cloud Foundry: A New Stack and Supported OS - Cornelius Schumacher & Mario Manno, SUSE

In this talk the presenters will walk you through the different layers that make up a running Cloud Foundry deployment: hosts, stemcells and application stacks.

This is the first top-to-bottom alternative to Ubuntu in the Cloud Foundry arena, and it's all supported by SUSE.

With the new stemcell builder repo it's now easier than ever to create a custom stemcell. We added openSUSE as a completely new OS to the builder, but it can also be used to just modify existing stemcells.

A demo of a highly-available deployment SCF will show the product in action. The talk will also walk the audience through the changes that were required to support the new stack and the benefits that come with it.

About Mario Manno
Mario works as software specialist in the cloud and systems management department at SUSE Linux. After visiting the Pivotal Dojo he joined the BOSH OpenStack CPI team. In his free time Mario contributes to several open source projects and helps bringing video recordings of community conferences online. In the past he’s been giving talks in Germany about different topics, like IT security, Open Source and software development.

About Cornelius Schumacher
Cornelius is a distinguished engineer and engineering manager at SUSE Linux. He works on SUSE's Cloud Foundry product and the technology around it. Passionate about open source and community Cornelius is a long time contributor to many open source projects for more than a decade, such as KDE, openSUSE, the Open Build Service, or BOSH. Cornelius is a regular speaker at international Linux and open source events.