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From YouTube: On-Demand Data Services with Cloud Foundry - Maria Ntalla & Simon Jones, Pivotal


On-Demand Data Services with Cloud Foundry - Maria Ntalla & Simon Jones, Pivotal

Cloud Foundry services are a big part of what makes the platform so incredibly powerful; they allow developers to perform self-service provisioning of databases, message queues and anything else that can provide data to their applications.

The ability to create services entirely on demand was one of Cloud Foundry’s most anticipated features. When the feature was added to Cloud Foundry, an exciting new era began for service authors and users alike.

In this talk Maria and Simon will show how BOSH and the on-demand-broker are used to enable application developers to do self-service provision of services with configuration tailored to the application’s use case. They will also give an overview of how to develop an on-demand service, best practices and challenges they have seen during their experience with developing on demand service offerings.

About Simon Jones
Simon works as technical lead for the team that develops Pivotal's On Demand Service Broker. He has previously been a service author for Redis, Cassandra and RabbitMQ, and has a wealth of experience in deploying platforms and services with Cloud Foundry operators from a number of large companies. Simon has previously spoken at local PaaS user group meetups, and provided training to new Cloud Foundry users.

About Maria Ntalla
Maria is a software engineer at Pivotal. She was on the team that developed the on-demand service broker and SDK and is now developing the Redis service broker for Cloud Foundry. She has previously spoken at Cloud Foundry Summit Europe 2016, London PaaS Users Group and Women Who Go sessions.