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From YouTube: Digital Empathy - Panagiotis Xynos, Engineer Better


Digital Empathy - Panagiotis Xynos, Engineer Better

Developing in pairs is sometimes more difficult than debugging a thousand lines of assembly code with an old DOS console. Each one of us comes with baggage, full of emotions and experiences that we can all too easily offload on to our pair.

It doesn’t have to be that difficult. Simple rules and habits can make our pairing experience easier. Everyone knows the term “Communication is the key”, but that doesn’t mean we know how to actually communicate. Body language can make a huge difference. Distance too. Everyone has their own parameters. Panagiotis shares his experiences transitioning from a non-agile world to an agile one.

This non-technical talk is aimed at developers and those who work with them.

Panagiotis assumes that the audience has at least one pair programming experience, or is planning to try pairing soon, and a sense of humour.