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From YouTube: Keynote: Cloud Native Security: Rotate, Repair, Repave - Justin Smith, Director, Pivotal


Justin Smith of Pivotal discusses enterprise software security, outlines best practices and how Cloud Foundry can be part of your strategy to increase velocity and security.

Vulnerability is a function that changes with time. The probability of being exploited increases with the accumulation of long lived credentials and unpatched code. The question that must be asked is: how can a security strategy which resists change keep up with the pace of the modern threat landscape? This asymmetry in speed and adaptiveness only creates advantages for the attacker. What if the only what to increase security is to move as fast as possible? Continuously rotating credentials, patching systems, and rebuilding clusters to minimize windows of vulnerability decreases the threat profile in time and severity.

Justin has been a key influencer and product owner at both Microsoft and Google. At Microsoft he was the program manager for the first incarnation of Azure Active Directory, which has since become the largest enterprise directory in the world. At Google he was the product manager for one of the largest OAuth2 services in the world. Today he focuses all this time and energy on Cloud Foundry security.

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