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From YouTube: Write Once, Earn Anywhere – Monetizing Enterprise APIs with Cloud Foundry


Write Once, Earn Anywhere – Monetizing Enterprise APIs with Cloud Foundry - Robert Land & Elijah Martinez, SAP

Microservices are frequently touted as “SOA done right”. Cloud Foundry and microservice architectures are ideally suited for one another, with Cloud Foundry handling underlying issues such as scaling, failover, load balancing, etc. When coupled with a strong API layer, true continuous software delivery becomes a reality for developers. This architecture is ideal for applying API management which provides usage monitoring, service discovery and monetization. Additionally businesses and application developers increasingly rely on external APIs for quick and efficient enhancement of their core data and business processes, whether on premise or in the cloud.

SAP as a world leader in business data, touching over $16 Trillion of consumer purchases globally, has committed to moving its business into the cloud, supporting API development and choosing Cloud Foundry as its strategic architecture for its Cloud Platform. Come discover how you can leverage this new paradigm of data openness to tap into Enterprise APIs, and how API Management enables developers to quickly and easily monetize software built on these APIs.

Robert Land
SAP Labs, LLC.
Product Manager, SAP Cloud Platform, Demo Creation
Robert is a Product Manager for SAP Cloud Platform Demo Creation, where he creates proof-of-concept software applications. Robert has a software engineering background in medical robotics and networks, including more than a decade at Cisco Systems. Robert has been a frequent presenter during Hack-a-thons, Corporate conferences and industry events.