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From YouTube: Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board [January 2018]


Video from the monthly Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting. Learn more at

Jan 17, 2018 @ 8am PST


Calendar and tooling

Now every 3rd Wed of the month (see above)

See Zoom info above ^^^ in and the #CAB Slack channel

CFF update

Cloud Foundry Summit Boston

Cloud Foundry Summit Europe has been announced. We are returning to Basel!

PMC Projects updates

Runtime PMC [Dieu]

Route integrity work on Diego

Diego v2 - call for review / proposal on cf-dev

BOSH [Dmitryi and Danny]

Hot Swap

Makes swapping hot and fun again!

Touching some of the internals of the director so are being careful and adding tests to backfill if anything is missing.

CAn read more about this on BOSH notes.

In addition to helping to spin up some of the deployments will help to unblock some of the future changes to the director where will improve diffing such that diffing will show what will change persistent disk / vms / etc…

Eventually will unblock granular deploy, which will allow to be much more exact in not having to update any other instance having to specify on command line.

Ask in slack channel if curious.

WOrking on making BOSH DNS production tested with pipelines based on PWS rollout. Has been quiet and good and boring.

Adding production data to test sweets to lock down the behavior.

Rolling out BOSH DNS in commercial and other places.

Fixing all kinds of bugs and whatnot.

SoftLayer team has some PRs to catch up on

ALiBaba team has been preparing their CPI reveal for official support, they are very close. New CPI joining us.

Links API

API for some of the service broker integrations

Also helps to visualize the state of links and details within a deployment

Can write a tool that shows all the links in the deployment and how it comes together including cross deployments.

Trying to migrate to bpm BOSH PRocess Manager for next BOSH release

Make it more official not sure when Eric will pull the trigger on only supported way, for bosh comes next release.

BPM running at 10% on PWS currently for Diego

Xenial stemcells in progress but slated to release soon, few things investigating left.

Open Service Broker API [Alex Ley]

Making progress on 2.14 spec release, targeting Feb release. See project board for all merged changes.

CF Services API & Service Catalog SIG are working on validation through the implementation of Async Bindings and GET endpoints spec changes. Going well, all positive feedback so far.

Async bindings now supported in Service Catalog.

OSBAPI Open API document almost ready to merge, feedback welcome.

Service Broker “Actions” proposal making progress with a dedicated working group.

Playback all PMC calls here.

Scott Nichols from Google Joins the PMC

Andres Garcia from Fujitsu leaves PMC on 31st Jan

Extensions [Max]


Composite application proposal from SAP

Abacus v2 includes broker

Stratos UI blog post

Kubo drumbeat

Released 0.12.0 which includes

Kube 1.8.6

Enable secure access to dashboard

Disallow use of privileged containers

Support persistent workloads

Kicked off etcd exploration

Community projects and presentations

End of year 2017 CAB survey summary presentation [Max]

Modelling and operations of composite applications on CF [Nikolay]
