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From YouTube: Unleash ArgoCD Observability Superpowers - Leonardo Luz Almeida, Intuit & Deng Zhou, ByteDance


Unleash ArgoCD Observability Superpowers - Leonardo Luz Almeida, Intuit & Deng Zhou, ByteDance

At both Intuit and Tiktok, several instances of ArgoCD are responsible for managing thousands of applications. At large scale, ArgoCD encounters more challenges and performance bottlenecks. While ArgoCD’s UI is a great tool to visualize deployment issues,the nature of problems can go beyond your application boundaries and may actually be related to external factors (e.g. github api is down, argocd controller is overloaded, etc). In those cases, it is much harder to identify the real culprit. Digging in logs can be very useful in identifying internal issues however it requires precious effort and deeper ArgoCD knowledge. ArgoCD’s built-in observability capabilities take away the needle in a haystack feeling for troubleshooting deployment failures. Understanding the root cause is the key element to maintaining healthy SLOs. Come learn from 2 ArgoCD contributors about how to leverage distributed tracing, metrics and continuous profiling to quickly identify and react to the hard problems.