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From YouTube: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Bring Data Visualization in Backstage - Olivier Liechti


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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Bring Data Visualization in Backstage - Olivier Liechti, Avalia Systems

Software analytics is analytics on "software data", with the objective to give development teams insights about their codebase, their work practices, their collaboration patterns. "Software data" is all the data that is already available in the tools they use on a daily basis: code repositories, issue trackers, CI/CD pipelines, observability tools, etc.

Visualization of "software data" is relevant to an effective and enjoyable developer experience. It is useful to get insights, track progress, maintain awareness about technical and non-technical issues. It also makes the user experience visually pleasing.

The goal of this session is to share how we have brought software analytics and data visualization to Backstage. We first look at the overall architecture and process of extracting, storing and presenting information. We then take a closer look at the "last mile" and present the open source toolset that we use to create visualizations. In the presentation, we demonstrate a Backstage plugin that we have created to bring Vega.js visualizations in developer portals. We introduce the notion of "visualization grammar" and illustrate it with concrete examples.