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From YouTube: Building Secure Open Source Communities From the Ground Up- Kiran 'Rin' Oliver, Camunda


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Building Secure Open Source Communities From the Ground Up- Kiran 'Rin' Oliver, Camunda

When bringing together open source projects and contributions into a GitHub Organization or a collection of projects, it can be challenging to implement security best practices, outline how to best handle dependency management and vulnerability scanning, and how to balance the load of your Developer Experience team with the day-to-day work undertaken by open source maintainers to ensure their projects are secure. Building and implementing security policies for an open-source, community led project, or community GitHub Organization comes with a learning curve, but it’s not unachievable. In this presentation, attendees will learn how to evaluate and implement existing open source technologies such as Renovate, Trivy, JFrog X-Ray, CodeCov, and Dependabot to better empower and enable their open source project maintainers. This presentation will also explore how to write clear, scalable, and impactful policies and documentation that lays the foundational groundwork for a more secure and stable open source community.