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From YouTube: If Your Application is Going to Run in a Multi-Node Cluster, Why Are You Develo... Ramiro Berrelleza


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If Your Application is Going to Run in a Multi-Node Cluster, Why Are You Developing it in a Single Machine? - Ramiro Berrelleza, Okteto

In the beginning, development was straightforward: You wrote code, you build a binary, and then you run it in your machine to validate that things worked. You went through this a few times, and once you were happy, you would then SSH into a server, copy your binary, and restart a process. Applications have evolved a lot since those times. Architectural patterns evolved from those single binaries into microservice-based orchestrations that span multiple machines. And our deployment toolkits evolved with them: We no longer SSH into servers and copy binaries. We now use sophisticated container orchestrators like Kubernetes and mature deployment practices like GitOps. And yet, we still develop the same way as in those early days. We started okteto, an apache 2.0 open source project, with a clear goal: to help developers go faster by reducing the gap between development and production environments. If your application is going to run in a multi-node cluster, why are you developing it in a single machine? In this presentation, we'll talk about the benefits of moving your development environments to Kubernetes, showcase success stories around adopting this practice, and show you how you can use okteto to make this easier than ever for you and your team.