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From YouTube: Panel Disucssion: Is There Actually a Byte Behind All the Buzz? eBPF in Production!


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Panel Disucssion: Is There Actually a Byte Behind All the Buzz? eBPF in Production! - Frederic Lardinois, TechCrunch; Andrew Sauber, The New York Times; Daniel Bernier, Bell; Purvi Desai, Google & James McShane, SuperOrbital

eBPF is a revolutionary and very hyped technology which has led some people to ask if there actually is a byte behind all the buzz. This panel brings together end users of eBPF that are actually putting it into production to find out whether it is a painful sting or sweet honey for their infrastructure. The audience won’t learn about futuristic buzzwords. Instead, they will understand how eBPF is changing networking, observability, and security in production today.