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From YouTube: Portable BPF with CO:RE - Grant Seltzer Richman, Aqua Security


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Portable BPF with CO:RE - Grant Seltzer Richman, Aqua Security

eBPF is the future of Linux, and CO:RE is the future of eBPF. There are as many features of eBPF as there are challenges to using it, and one such challenge is distribution of your eBPF project. With so many different kernel versions out in the wild it seems like an impossible task to compile your eBPF program against all of them to ensure compatibility. By using CO:RE, a feature of libbpf, this gets quite a bit easier. In this presentation Grant will talk about one of the biggest challenges in eBPF development, portability and distribution. Grant will talk about how these challenges have prompted my team, which develops Tracee, to come up with creative solutions for cross-compilation. Grant will then show how CO:RE changes everything and talk about how you can get involved to drive the future of it!