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From YouTube: The Monolith is Dead. Long Live the Monolith! - Mitch Connors & Jason Wang, Google


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The Monolith is Dead. Long Live the Monolith! - Mitch Connors & Jason Wang, Google

Monoliths! Who talks about Monoliths anymore? Didn't we move on to SOA and microservices a decade ago? Despite the domination of distributed architectures for cloud software, 60% of enterprise IT budgets still go to the datacenter, where the Monolith is King. While these legacy applications have historically been perceived as liabilities, new developments in service mesh enable enterprises to benefit from their monolithic assets while taking advantage of Cloud Native technologies. In this talk, you will learn about how you could embrace your monolith by enabling it with: * Zero Touch security with Envoy and Spiffe * Zero Touch observability with Prometheus * Zero Touch uptime improvements with Circuit Breakers * Zero Risk test in production with fault injection and canary deployment * Zero Risk traffic migration in Hybrid cloud environments (VM and multi-cluster)