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From YouTube: Deep Dive: Fluent Bit: High Performance Log Processor - Eduardo Silva, Arm Treasure Data


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Deep Dive: Fluent Bit: High Performance Log Processor - Eduardo Silva, Arm Treasure Data

Logging in distributed environments is very demanding, specifically when applications generate data at high rates. On this case processing data as fast as possible is one requirement, but also there is another one in high demand: low resources usage, keep your CPU and Memory usage as low as possible. The challenge is: how to optimize for fast data processing and optimizing for low CPU and Memory usage?, this is when Fluent Bit joins the game. Fluent Bit is a sub-project of Fluentd written in C language with a pluggable architecture and optimized for performance. It's becoming one of the preferred options for cloud native environments. In this session you will learn about it architecture, performance designs and best practices.