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From YouTube: Keyhouse: Production-ready Key Management Service in Rust - Maxwell Bruce & Sergey Shekyan


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Keyhouse: Production-ready Key Management Service in Rust - Maxwell Bruce & Sergey Shekyan, ByteDance

In this talk, Max and Sergey from ByteDance security team will share their experience of building a production-ready key management system using Rust. It uses Spire to establish mutual trust with the customers and other components, which adds up to the already unique combination of being the only OSS production-ready KMS written in Rust. The system is nearly self-contained, with the exception of the storage system, which is ETCD at the moment. Compared to go its predecessor which is written in Go, keyhouse uses much less memory and CPU cores to secure a large amount of user data. Keyhouse will be open sourced on Github very soon.

We thank Yu Ding as a 3rd author. He will not be a presenter but he contributed significantly to keyhouse.

Yu Ding is a security researcher and engineer. His research interest is security issues around Intel SGX and building security-critical systems. He is a zealot of security oriented software development and dedicated to build a memory safe world.