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From YouTube: Building Cloud-native applications with Rust - the good, the bad and the ugly - Luca Palmieri


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Building Cloud-native applications with Rust - the good, the bad and the ugly - Luca Palmieri, TrueLayer

Rust has built a reputation as an excellent systems programming language. Yet more than a few companies have chosen to bet on Rust for a completely different type of software: Cloud-native applications. What does Rust have to offer compared to other established languages (e.g. Java, C#, Python, Golang) when it comes to APIs and message consumers? The talk will walk you through TrueLayer's experience. We will cover what convinced us that Rust was a viable option for our latest product (spoiler - not just performance!), the issues and annoyances we experienced along the way as well as what we believe to be some of its intrinsic limitations for the backend development usecase.