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From YouTube: Not-So-Fantastic Leaks, and Where to Find Them In Containers- Alex Goodman, Anchore


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Not-So-Fantastic Leaks, and Where to Find Them In Containers- Alex Goodman, Anchore

Building images can be surprisingly difficult, particularly if you need to use packages or applications that are not open and publically available. It’s all too easy to end up with access tokens, credentials, or build artifacts left behind in non-obvious parts of an image. Once you have an image how certain are you that you’ve cleaned up properly and that it doesn’t contain any secrets? Does it have any vulnerable software packages? Is your base image hiding information or unexpected content from you? This talk will show you common pitfalls that lead to information being hidden within an image (either wittingly or unwittingly) and how you can be sure there are no lurking surprises in your image before you publish it. I’ll show how to automate these practices in a Tekton pipeline that both builds your image and acts as a quality gate for publication, because no-one wants to be the person with access keys sitting out in a registry.