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From YouTube: It's Time We Start Securing Our CICD Pipelines - Shripad Nadgowda, IBM Research


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It's Time We Start Securing Our CICD Pipelines- Shripad Nadgowda, IBM Research

Containers allowed breaking monolithic applications and business logic into modular components that can be developed independently and quickly. Such an accelerated development pattern then required a high velocity path from code to container that gave rise to innovation and automation in CICD pipelines. CICD pipelines aim to facilitate expedited DevSecOps functions like testing, security scanning and delivery of applications to cloud through automation. At the same time there is a growing open-source ecosystem around CICD technologies, where number of such functions are being made available ready-to-use, like tektoncd-catalog, GitHub Actions Marketplace for instance. As a result, our pipelines are also subjected to prevelant supply chain vulnerabilities, wherein some malicious open-source task could temper and compromise our whole pipeline. Thus, as we are building CICD DevSecOps pipelines for securing our application builds and delivery, our pipelines as-is can not be the root-of-trust. In other words, we need to make sure our CICD pipelines are “secure” at the composition to begin with and need to address security at multiple layers.