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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Securing CI/CD Infrastructure for Tinkerbell - David McKay, Equinix Metal


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Lightning Talk: Securing CI/CD Infrastructure for Tinkerbell - David McKay, Equinix Metal

Tinkerbell, a CNCF sandbox project, has some pretty unique CI/CD needs. As a bare metal provisioning system, CI/CD involves running servers for DHCP, iPXE, virtual machines with QEMU, and a few others bits and pieces. This use-case is not natively supported by most CI/CD SaaS vendors. To tackle this, the Tinkerbell team has automated the management and provisioning of their own CI/CD runners using a collection of off-the-shelf tools. You will learn how Tinkerbell secured their unique infrastructure and how to approach securing your own CI/CD stack. We will demonstrate Tinkerbell’s provisioning tools and dive deep into how they were configured for security. The same tools are publicly available and could be used in your own CI/CD setups. You will also learn how to secure engineer access to your infrastructure without getting tied to a single cloud provider.