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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Computing Confidentially in the Clouds - Aeva Black, Azure Confidential Compute


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Lightning Talk: Computing Confidentially in the Clouds - Aeva Black, Azure Confidential Compute, Microsoft

A cloud is just someone else's computer -- someone that you trust in ways you may not even realize: to patch their infrastructure against the latest threats, to keep your data in the right country, and to only access it in legally compliant ways. What if you didn't have to trust them? What if you could audit the integrity of their systems at any time, isolate your work from cloud admins, and guarantee your data is processed only when and where you want? Sounds good, right? With new hardware coming online in all major cloud providers, Confidential Computing promises to alter this trust relationship - but the tech stack is still young, and it isn't integrated in cloud native yet. In this session, Aeva Black will present a vision towards this goal, introduce a few open source projects which facilitate it, and hold space for a discussion of future work.