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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Knowing Your Serverless Functions: Signing and Verifying Serverless... Ariel Shuper


Lightning Talk: Knowing Your Serverless Functions: Signing and Verifying Serverless Functions with Cosign - Ariel Shuper, Cisco

the security of software supply chains is extremely important. Malicious attacks on the software supply chain are an ever-present threat that can cause extreme damage. An increasing popular method to secure software supply chain is by creating a cryptographic evidence that the author of the code is who they say they are; based on them having access to the trusted private key and the content has not been changed since. Kubernetes provides a great infrastructure to complement code "signing" with a validation step that ensures signing prerequisites where met and only "signed" images are deployed. An admission controller can use ValidationWebHook and MutatingWebHook to verify deployments of "signed" images only. But what about Serverless functions? how can users validate their code was changed/ tempered before or after it was uploaded to their cloud account? In the absence of the admission controller equivalent how users can stay protected? In this talk we'll demostrate how to use and operate code-signing for serverless function using Cosign project and how to validate that only signed functions are being used in the cloud account (leveraging available tools).